To Kill A Mockingbird: You should read it and why?

There are two types of books - overhyped and rightly-hyped. To Kill A Mockingbird falls in the latter one. It was lingering in my TBR for so long as if I was saving it up as we do for desserts. As a delicious, flavorful, and sweet dessert, the book served its purpose in all its... Continue Reading →

The Five People You Meet in Heaven: Review

“Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them - a mother's approval, a father's nod - are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.”

Flowers from the Nature

My morning walk led me to reluctantly pluck some flowers and bring them home today. Reluctantly because they looked beautiful in their habitat. But I still plucked because I wanted to see them while working and feel good. ❤️ I live in a beautiful green school campus as my father is a teacher here. One... Continue Reading →

Not Anymore

There are so many emotions whirling around in our hearts each second of the passing days. Writing them seem difficult too, but I tried. Hope you relate to this musing and if it gives you a little bit of hope, my job is half done. Words don’t visit me any moreI invite them, make them... Continue Reading →

Why am I afraid of pets?

I am afraid of dogs. I am not attracted to the pet animals. I kept myself at a distance from them since when "social distancing" wasn't even a term. My friends who are pet parents know it well. My neighbor in Pune used to invite me to dinners keeping her dog Bozo on the balcony.... Continue Reading →

Bloody Four Days

The poem is raw. The thoughts were captured when I might have been on periods. It's honest. If you related for yourself/your friends, do share and help me grow. 🙂 I wake up at the middle of the night,Feeling wet and all gloomy.The bedsheets stained with my blood,Darker than my dark circles. Even after years... Continue Reading →

Toxic Positivity – Is it worth it?

How often do you feel overwhelmed by the #goodvibesonly on social media? How do you feel when someone blatantly asks you to be happy in times of despondency? Don't get me wrong here. I know being positive is the way to a better life. But, is it all? ASK YOURSELF ONCE.

How did your childhood smell of?

Do your surroundings sometimes smell of your childhood? Yes, the fragrance of the nostalgia of not so important things which takes you back to those carefree days. Like you breathe those days all over again. Like you get a déjà vu of the past with a tinge of sadness realizing those days are gone by!

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